How to secure working from home

As remote working has become a norm in the new normal, Pramod Sharda the CEO for IceWarp Middle East shares some important tips to protect your while working from home.

As our lives move increasingly online, it is more important than ever to ensure our communications are secure. While many people think of cybersecurity as something that only businesses need to worry about, the truth is that we all need to be aware of the risks posed by cybercriminals. In today’s world, nearly everything we do involves using technology. We work, shop, bank, socialise, play and do so much more online. This means that our personal information is constantly stored and transmitted electronically. If this information falls into the wrong hands, it can be used to steal our money, our identities, or our confidential data.

There are several ways to protect individuals and organizations from cybercrime. The most important thing you can do is to use secure communications systems. This includes using strong passwords, encrypting your data, and avoiding public Wi-Fi hotspots. With more and more people working from home, it’s crucial for organisations as well to take steps to ensure their communication systems are safe and secure.

Here are some cybersecurity tips for all professionals working from home:

  • Adhere to your organisation’s information and data security policies at all times: Be sure to follow all guidelines your organisation has in place regarding data security. This includes ensuring that all devices used for work are password protected and kept up-to-date with the latest security patches.
  • Keep your devices and software up-to-date: Cybercriminals constantly find new ways to exploit security vulnerabilities in devices and software. By keeping your devices and software upgraded with the latest updates, you can help protect yourself from these attacks.
  • Enroll in two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security: This will help confirm your identity before initiating any financial transactions. Confirm financial transactions on your phone before initiating them. This helps ensure that all your transactions and logins are verified and approved by you.
  • Use a good anti-virus software; it is non-negotiable: This will help to protect your computer from malware and other threats. Organizations serious about protecting their data should ensure their employees have robust anti-virus software installed that will help to keep them safe from new security threats.
  • Pay attention to Wi-Fi and network security: Make sure you are using a secure Wi-Fi connection and be aware of possible threats when sharing information over the network. When working from home, it is essential to use a secure network when connecting to the internet remotely to help protect your personal and organizational data.
  • Never reuse passwords: Reusing passwords is one of the most common mistakes people make that can lead to their accounts being compromised. Be sure to use entirely different passwords for different accounts, and never reuse a password you have used in the past.
  • Be cautious when sharing your screen: Be careful about what information you share when giving someone remote access to your screen. Personal information on one’s desktop, home screen, or window is often leaked when they share their screens as part of meetings, unaware that they may be becoming sitting ducks for a cybercrime.
  • Be on guard for phishing scams: Be aware of phishing attempts, and never click on links or attachments from unknown sources. Phishing attacks are designed to trick and defraud people into revealing personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. Before responding to any communication, be sure to look for signs of a phishing attack, such as misspellings and grammatical errors.
  • Think before you click: Avoid sharing important personal information on social media. Be cautious about what information you share online, as it could be used to steal your identity. Be sure to think about the implications of clicking on any link or attachment before doing so. Cybercriminals often use links and attachments to install malware or steal personal information.
  • Deploy secure collaboration solutions: Choose a communication platform that offers security features like encrypted messaging and secure file sharing. Secure collaborative tools provided by brands like IceWarp help combat cybersecurity challenges owing to their sophisticated security and simplified communication through secure Private Cloud and Shared Cloud services to millions of users.