Malicious AI tools, phishing attacks aimed at new hires, skills pressures, work-from-home complexities and an ongoing rise in cyberthreats such as ransomware will challenge organisations and their cybersecurity efforts in the coming year. These are the top predictions for the Middle East in 2023, from email and collaboration security company,Read More…

SentinelOne has announced that it has significantly enhanced its regional commitment, with the inauguration of a new office in Dubai. The new facility serves as the regional hub for SentinelOne’s Middle East, Turkey and Africa operations, as it continues expanding into new markets and secures new and existing customers againstRead More…

This year Obvious Technologies are participating in collaboration with 3 of its partners, including Milestone Systems and ZMR. As global markets increasingly become integrated on the back of growing digital connectivity and evolving user preferences, the focus is now shifting towards emerging challenges facing security, sustainability and the tech-driven safeguardsRead More…

Trend Micro has established CTOne, a new Trend Micro subsidiary focused on advancing 5G network security and beyond. The group’s intellectual capital and leadership come from Trend Micro’s culture of innovation and is the latest incubation project to launch as a standalone business. Eva Chen (in picture), CEO of TrendRead More…

Shoppers are becoming targets for hackers due to surging online buying Surging online buying is making shoppers targets for hackers, who are trying to get access to sensitive data as the shopping season resumes in Dubai. With that in mind, Cisco shares here few tips to keep personal data secureRead More…

Delinea has published its 2022 State of Ransomware Report which finds that things may be looking up in the fight against ransomware. Cyber-attacks using the popular compromising tactic have declined significantly over the past 12 months compared to the previous year, and fewer companies are paying ransoms. Still, there areRead More…

SANS SEC401 Bahrain January 2023 will cover essential information security skills organizations need to protect and secure their critical information and technology assets, whether on-premise or in the cloud SANS Institute has announced the SANS SEC401 Bahrain January 2023 training program, to be held in person at the Intercontinental RegencyRead More…