The remote working or hybrid working environment refers to a flexible work setup where employees have the option to work remotely, either from home or other locations, while also having the opportunity to work in a physical office when needed.Read More…

Cloudflare has announced its second consecutive year of participation, and its first direct participation, at LEAP, the global platform for the most disruptive technology professionals, taking place in Riyadh between 4 – 7 March. The company’s participation will be centred around its connectivity cloud – a complete platformRead More…

Cloudflare has published its inaugural API Security and Management Report. Findings from this year’s report reveal that APIs, a technology that underpins today’s most used sites and apps, are being leveraged by businesses more than ever—ultimately opening the door to more online threats than seen before. The report underscores the gap betweenRead More…

By Grant Bourzikas, CSO Cloudflare 1. The knowledge gap between security professionals who understand AI and those who do not will be the number one reason for any shift in the balance of power to threat actors. Whether or not the usage of AI is giving attackers a leg up isRead More…

Cloudflare has published its fourth annual Year in Review, exploring global Internet insights and security trends, accompanied by a deeper dive on the most popular Internet services in 2023. The Internet is one of, if not, the most ubiquitous aspect of modern life. Cloudflare’s Year in Review revealed that in 2023 alone,Read More…

Bashar Bashaireh, Managing Director for the Middle East & Turkey at Cloudflare, provides 5 tips to stay out of the phishing trap Email is the most exploited business application. It is the primary initial attack vector for cybersecurity incidents, and contains vast amounts of trade secrets, PII, financial data, and other sensitiveRead More…

Cloudflare has announced its 2023 Q3 DDoS report. This report includes insights and trends about the DDoS threat landscape — as observed across the global Cloudflare network, which is one of the largest in the world, spanning more than 300 cities in over 100 countries. Through this network the companyRead More…