Tomas Foltyn, security writer from ESET in this article discusses the far-fetched idea of knocking down a power grid with an home appliance but according to researchers electrical grids and smart home appliances could make for a dangerous mix Cybercriminals could rope internet-connected household appliances into a botnet in order toRead More…

Harish Chib, Vice President for Middle East & Africa at Sophos explains how not to let your network become part of the next global botnet attack Botnets are large volumes of distributed networked computers and devices that have been taken over by a cybercriminal.Read More…

Security researchers at ESET, in collaboration with Microsoft and law enforcement agencies – the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Interpol, Europol, and other stakeholders in cybersecurity – have today taken down a major botnet operation known as Gamarue. It was detected by ESET as Win32/TrojanDownloader.Wauchos, which has been infecting victimsRead More…