Acronis has released its biannual report titled, “Acronis Cyberthreats Report, H2 2024: The rise of AI-driven threats”. This edition reveals a significant rise in email cyberattacks; a staggering 197% increase detected in H2 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, with a 21% rise in attacks per organization. FromRead More…

The cybersecurity landscape in the UAE is facing unprecedented challenges with malware detections soaring by 65.3 per cent and URL-based threats increasing by 36.9 per cent in 2024 according to Acronis Threat Research Unit data. Despite a slight decrease in ransomware detections, the potential risks remain high, suggesting many organisations could still be vulnerable.Read More…

Sweden’s EQT has announced its acquisition of a majority stake in Acronis. The deal will see its founders, management, and existing investors, including CVC, Springcoast, and BlackRock Private Equity Partners, retaining significant minority shares. Acronis, established in 2003, has grown into a pivotal player in the IT sector, offering aRead More…