Earth 2050 is an award-winning, interactive multimedia project that accumulates predictions about social and technological developments for the upcoming 30 years, with the aim of identifying global challenges for humanity and possible ways of solving these challenges.Read More…

While many of us have heard of, or even fallen victim to, cybercrimes such as data and identity theft, it seems that relatively few know the value of the information stolen from us. A new study from Kaspersky Lab has revealed that while our identity may not be worth a lotRead More…

The global outbreak in malicious cryptocurrency mining that unfolded in 2018 saw the number of attacks increase by more than 83%, with over five million users attacked online in the first three quarters of the year, compared to 2.7 million over the same period in 2017.Read More…

The past year has been extremely eventful in terms of the digital threats faced by financial institutions: cybercrime groups have used new infiltration techniques, and the geography of attacks has become more extensive. According to the KSN statistics by Kaspersky Lab,Read More…

Kaspersky Lab researchers discovered that financial organizations in Eastern Europe were victims of cyber-robberies over past year and a half years. And, in each case the corporate network was breached through an unknown device, controlled by the attackers,Read More…