ESET Research has released its latest APT Activity Report, which highlights activities of select advanced persistent threat (APT) groups that were documented by ESET researchers from April 2024 until the end of September 2024. ESET observed a notable expansion in targeting by China-aligned MirrorFace.Read More…

ESET researchers discovered two new wiper malware families targeting Ukrainian organizations. The first cyberattack started a few hours prior to the Russian military invasion as ESET Research reported on its Twitter account, and after the DDoS attacks against major Ukrainian websites earlier that day.Read More…

ESET Research has uncovered a new APT group BackdoorDiplomacy that primarily targets Ministries of Foreign Affairs in the Middle East and Africa, and less frequently, telecommunication companies. Their attacks usually start by exploiting vulnerable internet-exposed applications on webservers in order to install a custom backdoor that ESET is calling Turian. Read More…

ESET researchers have participated in a global operation to disrupt the Trickbot botnet, which has, since 2016, infected over a million computing devices. Along with partners Microsoft, Lumen’s Black Lotus Labs Threat Research, NTT and others, the operation impacted Trickbot by tanking their command and control servers.Read More…