Sophos, a global leader in next-generation cybersecurity, has published research, “Phishing and Malware Actors Abuse Google Forms for Credentials, Data Exfiltration,” describing how cyberattackers – from entry-level scammers to advanced adversaries – abuse Google Forms to implement a wide range of attacks, targeting both organizations and individuals. Read More…

According to a recently-released survey, 99% of businesses in the United Arab Emirates use third-party trackers and ad-platforms. However, only 68% of respondents have well-defined and documented policies for customer data privacy and a mere 8% strictly apply them, revealed the survey, which was conducted by Centurion Consulting on behalfRead More…

Joe Robertson , Director of Information Security and EMEA CISO at Fortinet explains the key role played by cybersecurity in the connected and autonomous vehicle experience. The digital automotive experience is revving up for some big changes, from online vehicle shopping, to configuring auto systems, to maintenance, manufacturing, and shipping.Read More…

Joe Roberson, Director of information security and EMEA CISO at Fortinet elaborates on the connected medicine industry. Industry Perspectives Connected Medicine is having a growing impact on all of our lives. It’s an exciting combination of data, technology and pharmaceutical expertise. It is significant for the pharmaceutical industry, because ofRead More…