Dr. Cherif Sleiman, Senior VP International Business at Infoblox, discusses various security challenges and opportunities arising due to digital transformation, the implication of big data on security and why “security first” should be the motto of companies seeking digital transformation.Read More…

Centrify, a leading provider of cloud-ready Zero Trust Privilege to secure modern enterprises, today announced results of a new survey in partnership with TechVangelism that indicate the majority of organizations are ill-prepared to protect themselves against privileged access abuse, the leading cyber-attack vector. Seventy-nine percent of organizations do not haveRead More…

Experts from SANS recently presented the five most dangerous new cyber-attack techniques in their annual RSA keynote session in San Francisco, and shared their views on how they work, how they can be stopped or at least slowed, and how businesses and consumers can prepare.Read More…

Vinod Vasudevan, Co-founder and CTO of Paladion discuss the challenges and the changing cybersecurity landscape faced by businesses and the need to enhance the speed for detecting and responding to any incident, which is now possible by incorporating latest technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI) to evaluate data in multiple dimensions toRead More…