SecurityMEA speaks with Tarek Kuzbari, Managing Director – Middle East, Africa, Turkey & South Asia, Group-IB where he sheds light onhow the company uncovered the targeted hacker group dubbed MoneyTaker and what needs to be done to protect against such advanced threat actors.Read More…

Security MEA speaks with Rajat Mohanty, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at Paladion on the role that artificial intelligence plays in cyber defense and the challenges that need to be overcome to stay ahead of attackers.Read More…

SecurityMEA speaks with Rick McConnell, President of Akamai & General Manager of the Web Division on how the threat landscape is evolving and what measures enterprises can employ to combat the emerging vectors in a zero trust environment.Read More…

Security MEA speaks to Tabrez Surve, Regional Head of Security, Middle East, Turkey & Africa, F5 Networks, about the adoption of Blockchain technology across the region What does Blockchain technology mean for the future of financial services in the region? Blockchain’s central promise of new, ultra-secure measures for certainty and authenticity,Read More…