One and a half years after its epidemic, WannaCry ransomware tops the list of the most widespread cryptor families and the ransomware has attacked 74,621 unique users worldwide. These attacks accounted for 28.72% of all users targeted by cryptors in Q3 2018.Read More…

According to a study published by KPMG’s Global Consumer Insights program as part of the 2018 Me, my life, my wallet report, shows that 51 percent of consumers are anxious about identity theft; 48 percent about the hacking of financial, medical, or other personal info online;Read More…

Sophos launched its 2019 Threat Report providing insights into emerging and evolving cybersecurity trends. The report, produced by SophosLabs researchers, explores changes in the threat landscape over the past 12 months, uncovering trends and how they are expected to impact cybersecurity in 2019.Read More…