Arcon Focuses on Automation and Outcome-Driven Solutions

In a discussion with Security MEA, Anil Bhandari, the founder of Arcon, shares his pivotal role in the organization, primarily focused on product innovation and strategic thinking. With over 25 years of experience in cybersecurity, Bhandari’s expertise enables him to understand and address the evolving use cases in the current landscape effectively. Arcon initially targeted privileged identities in cybersecurity back in 2010, gradually delving deeper into IT infrastructure layers, covering endpoints, machines, and servers extensively. Their product portfolio revolves around enhancing security in large IT infrastructure spaces.

Bhandari emphasizes the importance of streamlined solutions over an abundance of cybersecurity products, particularly in the identity space. Arcon aims to provide a converged value proposition to customers, simplifying identity management with a unified approach. Their converged identity platform, developed over the past three years, offers streamlined access to human and digital identities within organizations.

Recognizing the dynamic nature of cybersecurity, Arcon focuses on automation and outcome-driven solutions rather than point-in-time interventions. Their innovative solutions, including a proprietary automation technology known as Drut, aim to automate complex tasks, offering significant time and cost savings for organizations. Drut is designed to mimic human actions, catering to various functions such as CISO and IT operations.

Looking ahead, Bhandari sees immense potential in cybersecurity, given the rapid advancements in technology, including AI and ML. He believes that regions like the Middle East, particularly Dubai and UAE, require robust cybersecurity frameworks to support their technological advancements effectively. Bhandari commends the government’s proactive approach in this regard and sees significant opportunities for professionals and organizations alike in the cybersecurity domain.