One Of The Largest Egyptian Banks Selects PhishRod

PhishRod today announced that one of the largest banks in Egypt has selected PhishRod for automating their security awareness & phishing incident response. As part of the engagement Phishrod will conduct the Gap Analysis against the security awareness maturity model. Based on the result of the analysis, key problem areas will be highlighted and an enterprise security awareness framework will be developed designed to transform end-user behavior.

PhishRod suite will help the bank to comply with the Egypt Financial Cybersecurity Framework. Using the Policy Compliance Manager, the bank will be able to comply with the framework clauses related to Policy Management, Critical Policy Coverage, Policy Training & Acceptance, and the Audit and Compliance Program.

PhishRod Skill Survey Manager will enable the bank to conduct Self-Assessment surveys and assessments. Phishing simulation exercises will be conducted to determine the vulnerable end users. PhishRod Security Awareness Manager, is a cybersecurity-focused built-in learning management system that will help the bank to automate the security awareness program and will address the compliance related to People, Formalized Security Awareness Program, Metrics, Role-based training & Phishing Awareness.

With the help of Automated Phishing Incident Response, the bank will be able to carry out timely Incident Classification, Incident Categorization, craft a Communication Plan, and follow through with the Escalation Matrix to minimize the risk from potential threats by allowing users to report suspicious emails that can be analyzed timely.