Cloudflare’s Area 1 integrates with KnowBe4

Cloudflare’s cloud email security solution, Area 1, now integrates with KnowBe4. This integration allows mutual customers to offer real-time coaching to their employees when a phishing campaign is detected by Cloudflare’s email security solution.

The integration allows for the seamless integration of Cloudflare’s advanced email security capabilities with KnowBe4’s Security Awareness Training platform, KSMAT, and its real-time coaching product, SecurityCoach. This means that organizations using both products can now benefit from an added layer of security that detects and prevents email-based threats in real-time while also training employees to recognize and avoid such threats.

Organizations can offer real-time security coaching to their employees whenever Cloudflare’s email security solution detects four types of events: malicious attachments, malicious links, spoofed emails, and suspicious emails. IT or security professionals can configure their real-time coaching campaigns to immediately deliver relevant training to their users related to a detected event.

By using the integration, organizations can ensure that their employees are not only protected by advanced security technology that detects and blocks malicious emails, but are also educated on how to identify and avoid these threats. This has been a commonly demanded feature from Cloudflare’s customers and the company has made it simple for them to implement it.

“KnowBe4 is proud to partner with Cloudflare to provide a seamless integration with our new SecurityCoach product, which aims to deliver real-time security coaching and advice to help end users enhance their cybersecurity knowledge and strengthen their role in contributing to a strong security culture. KnowBe4 is actively working with Cloudflare to provide an API-based integration to connect our platform with systems that IT/security professionals already utilize, making rolling out new products to their teams an easy and unified process.” said Stu Sjouwerman, CEO, KnowBe4.