Striking The Right Balance Between Innovation And Responsible AI Development Will Be Crucial

In conversation with Security MEA, the solutions architect of Forcepoint, Aaron Mulgrew talks about the versatility ChatGPT brings to the table and discusses the impact of AI-powered technologies like ChatGPT.

What is your take on ChatGPT, and how does it work?
ChatGPT is an impressive large language model that uses deep learning techniques to generate human-like text based on the given input. It works by leveraging a massive dataset of text from the internet, allowing it to learn patterns and sex toys
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During inference, the model predicts the most probable next word or phrase based on the input sequence. It can understand and generate coherent responses, making it valuable for various applications, including natural language understanding, content generation, and customer service.

What is the prime use of ChatGPT and in how many different scenarios can it be used?
The prime use of ChatGPT is to generate human-like text responses based on given prompts or queries. It can be used in various scenarios, including customer support, virtual assistants, content generation, language translation, educational platforms, creative writing, and more. The versatility of ChatGPT allows it to be applied in numerous domains where interactive and dynamic text-based interactions are required, enabling enhanced user experiences, and automating certain tasks that traditionally rely on human intervention.

What role can ChatGPT play in the enterprise space?
In the enterprise space, ChatGPT can play a crucial role in enhancing customer service, automating routine tasks, and improving overall operational efficiency. Its natural language processing capabilities enable businesses to deploy AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants that can engage in human-like conversations, providing real-time support and information to customers. ChatGPT can assist in streamlining workflows, answering frequently asked questions, and facilitating self-service options, thereby freeing up human resources for more complex tasks. Furthermore, it can be utilized for data analysis, generating insights, and aiding decision-making processes. Overall, ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize customer interactions, increase productivity, and drive innovation in the enterprise space.

How secure is ChatGPT?
In terms of the privacy of the data that has been entered, OpenAI claim that all data is private according to their privacy-policy, however in their privacy policy they do say the following: As noted above, we may use Content you provide us to improve our Services, for example to train the models that power ChatGPT. This means that by default, users private information may be stored, including potentially intimate questions relating to their health or personal life. If an attacker was to access this information, they could potentially blackmail the user.

On other hand, how secure are we given the strength and capabilities of ChatGPT to create very advanced malware without writing any code?
I would say that the industry is not ready for AI based attacks. This includes both novel exploits and simple executable based pieces of malware generated by ChatGPT. As my research showed, it is not hard or complicated to create a very advanced piece of malware that could be used for infiltrating corporate networks. ChatGPT is also great for attackers to analyse pieces of open source code to look for vulnerabilities. With the increase of less regulated and less safeguarded LLMs, attackers will be able to use these in a semi-automated way to work out how to best exploit a vulnerability. The industry should look at using these same LLMs in a positive way to spot the vulnerabilities before they are ever pushed to production.

With ChatGPT and similar technologies that can create programs without coding, what impact do you see on the market for coders in particular and the overall workforce market?
The emergence of technologies like ChatGPT and especially AutoGPT, enabling program creation without coding, is likely to have an impact on the market for coders and the overall workforce market. While these technologies can automate certain programming tasks, they are unlikely to replace the need for skilled coders completely. Instead, the role of coders may evolve to focus more on designing and implementing complex algorithms, troubleshooting, and maintaining AI-driven systems. The demand for coding expertise may shift towards more specialized areas. Overall, the workforce market may witness a transition where upskilling and adaptation to new technologies become essential for professionals to stay relevant in a changing landscape.

With Google rolling out Bard, and probably others also in the line, where do you think we are heading with AI?
With Google’s release of Bard and the ongoing advancements in AI, we are heading towards a future where AI will continue to play a more prominent role in various aspects of our lives. AI will likely become increasingly integrated into everyday technologies and services, enhancing automation, personalization, and decision-making processes. However, this progress also raises concerns about ethical implications, data privacy, and potential job displacement. Striking the right balance between innovation and responsible AI development will be crucial as we navigate the evolving landscape and ensure that AI technologies serve the best interests of humanity.