BlueCat unveils Integrity 9.5 to accelerate IT network automation and orchestration

BlueCat Networks, the Adaptive DNS company, announced new features for Integrity that will help network teams automate manual DDI tasks to improve speed and service delivery.

These enhancements are new to version 9.5 of BlueCat’s flagship software suite, Integrity, an integrated full-stack management platform for DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (collectively known as DDI) that provides real-time insight into the relationship between devices, users, and IP addresses across on-premises and cloud networks.

Version 9.5, now available generally, has greatly enhanced RESTful APIs to further automate network and configuration management across complex network environments. Many BlueCat customers have already embraced automation, eliminating more than 90% of manual DDI tasks.

There is now greater demand for DDI automation among all technology builders within IT — and across organizations more broadly — as enterprises rapidly develop and adopt applications and services to achieve their digital transformation goals. Customers need open, well-documented, and vendor-agnostic APIs that are easily accessible via standard toolchains.

“Today, BlueCat has established a new API benchmark for DNS, DHCP, and IP address management,” said Martin McNealis, Chief Product Officer. “Our products help customers to drive rapid change in critical network infrastructure while assuring reliability. By streamlining our APIs and making them open, discoverable, and accessible by a broader set of users, BlueCat is enabling true infrastructure as code for non-DDI practitioners.”

Enterprise Management Associates’ 2022 report, DDI Maturity Drives Multi-Cloud Automation and Security, found that many organizations lack a unified approach to orchestrating DDI. These organizations rely solely on free or open-source software for DNS and DHCP servers or a commercial IP address management overlay tool that integrates with third-party DNS services. This hinders scalability and reliability, makes networks less secure, and is an obstacle to automation and orchestration.

How else can Integrity 9.5 users benefit?

  • Accelerate automation: Scale network infrastructure management by using our enhanced RESTful APIs to automate tasks related to DDI.
  • Maintain audit compliance: Find insights faster by retrieving information about the state of DNS zones or records, IP address blocks, networks, and DHCP ranges for audit, compliance, and reporting purposes.
  • Easy testing: Test API calls in the browser before building out automation using embedded, interactive API documentation.
  • IP protocol agnostic: Use the API to automate the management of both IPv4 and IPv6 resources.