Cybercrime platform Tareeq gains momentum in Jordan

Jordan’s cybercrime platform “Tareeq” has received 1,352 letters requesting aid and awareness on cyber crimes over a period of only 20 days, showing an increasing awareness among Jordanians.

Tareeq was a joint effort between Siren Associates, a non-profit organization specialized in security and public sector reform, the Public Security Department (PSD) and the Mafraq-based Arab Women’s Association.

Sarah Aladdin, Head of Siren Associates’ Digital Transformation told the Jordan News Agency (Petra) that the identity of the senders is completely protected. The platform aims at introducing the concept of cyber crimes and the mechanism for preventing them. It also helps victims of cyber crime and ensures digital safety for them. The virtual assistant chatbot at the platform was contacted 207 people, which indicates the high level of awareness.

Program coordinator, Rand Tabishat said that research showed that 80 percent of the victims of cyber crimes are young girls and women, and that gender-based violence via the Internet is a source of concern to society. Other findings indicated that 90 percent of responders said they trust the official announcements launched by the PSD.