AHAD to promote YesWeHack’s Bug Bounty and VDP platform in the UAE

AHAD has recently announced its partnership with YesWeHack, Europe’s leading Bug Bounty and Vulnerability Disclosure Policy (VDP) platform.

YesWeHack offers organisations a unique approach to cyber-defence. Its Bug Bounty platform provides customers with a virtual pool of more than 35,000 ethical hackers across 170 countries. This community of experts can be mobilised to search vulnerabilities in websites, mobile apps, and IT infrastructure and report their findings through a secure workflow.

Rabih Achkar, YesWeHack’s Regional Director for the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa, said, “We are delighted to partner with AHAD as they are a focused cyber security partner with a motivated and experienced team. With AHAD, we hope to take our Bug Bounty and VDP platform to a wider enterprise’s audience at a much faster pace.” Highlighting the fast-expanding bug bounty market worldwide, Rabih Achkar added, “Bug bounty is a common practice in the USA, but now the same model is gaining traction globally, and it will become the norm in the META region.”

While it’s easy for organisations to be lulled into a false sense of security because they’ve yet to experience a successful attack, the reality is that it’s only a matter of time. Rohan Daniel Nair, Chief Operating Officer of AHAD, said, “In a business age where every company, big or small, relies on the internet to operate, none are exempt from a potential attack. To stay ahead of attackers and tackle tomorrow’s cybersecurity challenges, enterprises need to ensure the right protection is in place. With a bug bounty program in place, organisations have access to several thousand ethical hackers who can detect application and infrastructure vulnerabilities and send real-time updates.”

“With adequate security from bug bounty and VDP programs, organisations can showcase themselves to prospective businesses as trusted enterprises. In doing so, companies can move forward, knowing their security keeps them safe while helping them thrive,” added Ankit Satsangi, Chief Technology Officer at AHAD.