Mandiant Ransomware Defense Validation enables to prevent specific ransomware attacks

Mandiant announced the general availability of Ransomware Defense Validation within the Mandiant Advantage platform. To address the rapidly evolving issue, Mandiant Advantage Ransomware Defense Validation leverages Mandiant’s industry-leading threat intelligence, ransomware re-configuration capabilities and automated validation infrastructure to provide security leaders with evidence whether their organizations are able to prevent specific ransomware attacks.

Ransomware preparedness via intelligence-led validation
Daily headlines highlight victims of increasingly frequent and widespread ransomware attacks as threat actors continue to evolve tactics to make their operations more efficient and effective.

Ransomware Defense Validation counters this reality by curating the most critical ransomware threats Mandiant’s experts are seeing on the frontlines and repurposing them so that organizations can automatically, continuously and safely test their defenses against ransomware families like CONTI, a group that publicized the theft of data from more than 500 organizations in 2021, along with other prolific threats like MOUNTLOCKER, RYUK and SODINOKIBI.

Collectively, these families accounted for some of the most active ransomware at incidents that Mandiant responded to in 2021. Information on ransomware families is updated on a regular basis to stay current with the attacks most prevalent in the industry. Further, not only are organizations able to test their ability to prevent these ransomware attacks, they are also able to see in a quantifiable, live dashboard the stages in which the ransomware would have failed or succeeded.

Industry-leading Mandiant threat intelligence and expertise drive dynamic solutions that help organizations develop more effective programs and instill confidence in their cyber readiness.