Qrator Labs helping protect clients from evolving cyberthreats

Alexander Lyamin, Qrator’s CEO, elaborates on how their breakthrough technologies, expertise and experience help customers in the Middle East region.

Give insights on Qrator’s presence in the Middle East region.
We see a high interest in our breakthrough technologies amid the Middle East clients and partners. We are ready to share a decade’s worth of expertise and experience mitigating DDoS attacks, and, in turn, helping protect clients from constantly evolving cyberthreats. Not only do many companies in the Middle East region regard the denial-of-service attacks as a main threat to business stability, but they also recognize the implicit need to organize comprehensive protection against these threats. A collaboration with Huawei Cloud is a logical step for us to expand our regional presence and let more companies maintain their business continuity.

What is the role played by Qrator Labs’ newly opened ‘Internet traffic filtering centre’ in the Middle East?
Getting started in the Middle East enabled Qrator Labs to approach important markets in the region, opening up an array of new development opportunities and also facilitated direct interaction with new partners and customers. Establishing a point of presence in the Middle East allowed Qrator Labs to expand its network coverage across the region, offering customers DDoS protection services with a minimum latency rate, thus making it possible and more importantly, affordable for any business to connect to the Qrator Labs cloud solution and securely protect the business from distributed network attacks.

With the amount and intensity of DDoS attacks increasing, what is Qrator’s new concept for DDoS protection?
Qrator Labs’ new DDoS protection concept is built on unique network architecture and anycast platform providing a reliable geo-distributed low latency Web app protection in EU, US & APAC. Our network is connected to the Core of the Internet (Tier-1 ISPs), as well as to a select set of partners.

All Qrator Labs’ internet security products employ proprietary filtering algorithms based on a unique mathematical model, making it possible to identify automated bot activity and block malicious traffic before it reaches its target.

What are the future plans of Qrator Labs for the region?
Following our mission to make the Internet a safer space, we want to offer our cloud services to as many companies in the Middle East as possible – in order to enhance the overall network security of the region, as well as to build and strengthen the infrastructure resiliency for all businesses operating out of the Middle East.