Vade Secure joins hands with Global Security Network

Vade Secure has announced a new partnership with Global Security Network (GSN). GSN’s customers in the region will now be able to use the Vade Secure predictive email defense system for Microsoft 365, which is already protecting one billion inboxes around the world. The partnership announcement comes after GSN and its users experienced a dramatic rise in the number of BEC and spear-phishing attacks on Microsoft 365 customers in the region.

Frédéric Braut, Vade Secure EVP Sales, said: “We’re very excited to be bringing our Microsoft 365 protection software to customers in the Middle East and South Asia. This partnership with GSN will help us to make sure that organizations across the region are protected from the growing number of email threats.”

Vade Secure helps businesses using managed service providers (MSPs) in 76 countries to shield Microsoft 365 users from email security threats such as malware, phishing and spear-phishing. It also works with Telcos and ISPs to help them secure messaging for consumers.

To help ISPs and email service providers cope with an ever-changing threat landscape, Vade Secure recently launched a new, modular mail transfer agent (MTA) that allows them to set up their own bespoke email protection system.

Vade Secure for Microsoft 365 is available through GSN since the 4th of January.