Genetec launches new version of Security Center

Genetec announced the launch of a new version of Security Center, the company’s open-architecture platform that unifies video surveillance, access control, automatic license plate recognition (ALPR), communications, and analytics in the Middle East.

With customizable live dashboards, enhanced privacy protection features, a brand-new map-driven mobile app, and new functionalities that help users actively monitor the health of their system and ensure compliance with cybersecurity best practices, version 5.8 will ensure that users can optimize their physical security environment while benefiting from greater visibility into their operations.

Security Center 5.8 will enable users to create custom dashboards that will display real-time data, and also set up their dashboards using simple point-and-click tools, and instantly combine data from the entire Genetec portfolio (video, access control, ALPR, etc.) in one screen to gain a new perspective on the evolution of events and key metrics across their operations.

Genetec will introduce a brand-new collaborative mobile app to provide operators complete access to their Security Center system. In addition to recording incidents, accessing nearby video, access control, and ALPR devices as well as sharing video from their phones to Security Center, the new mobile app will let operators share their location with colleagues in the operations center, send in-app messages and share live and recorded video through an intuitive map-oriented interface.

It will introduce a new Security Score feature to track each system’s compliance with hardening guidelines, firmware availability and updates, password strength, as well as several other dimensions of cybersecurity.

With the new KiwiVision Camera Integrity Monitor feature, the system will also automatically detect potential camera position changes, loss of image quality or tampering, and alert administrators immediately. This allows them to get ahead of problems and take the necessary corrective action immediately, rather than wait to find out there is a problem when they need footage and it is not available.

The new version of Security Center will also feature enhanced privacy protection layers to help customers comply with global privacy regulations such as GDPR. Build on KiwiVision Privacy Protector, which is now included at no cost for all Genetec Advantage customers, Security Center will help users define and control who has access to sensitive data and footage, without slowing down investigations and incident response.

Security Center version 5.8 is expected to be available in Q2 2019.