Beyond Security to unveil beSTORM IoT at RSA 2019

Beyond Security is all set to be unveil a special version of their product beSTORM, termed as beSTORM IoT, that is designed to conduct in-depth comprehensive security testing on IOT devices at the RSA 2019 conference this March in San Francisco.

beSTORM IoT is based on Beyond Security’s flagship multi-protocol fuzzer beSTORM, which can test all matter of software and hardware at multiple layers including but not limited to the protocol layer, file fuzzing, as well as network and logic fuzzing. beSTORM is a true black box solution that also offers a proprietary self-learning function that allows users to build comprehensive testing modules automatically from various analysis tools. Building on this foundation, beSTORM IoT allows users to easily access deploy fuzzing on the protocols and Web API’s underlying the vast majority of IoT devices.

beSTORM IoT is not only geared towards the IoT vendors, but also towards certification testers, or even end users, who are committed to secure their IoT devices against any potential vulnerabilities.