Beyond Security’s CTO named Top Security Specialist

The CTO and co-founder of Beyond Security, Noam Rathaus has been named as one of the top 100 security specialists in the industry on the prestigious Microsoft Security Response Center list.

This list ranks security researchers reporting directly to Microsoft according to the quantity and quality of all reports. While one criteria for the ranking is volume of reports a researcher has made, the severity and impact of the reports is very important to the ranking. Higher-impact issues carry more weight than lower-impact ones.

“This is a great honor and I am humbled to be included on the list with so many other talented researchers in the world” said Noam Rathaus. “It also shows that a company like Microsoft can bring people/talents together to make security of their products are better while giving them the recognition they deserve.”

“Noam is the heart of Beyond Security and his work has long been recognized internally as being key to our success. His recognition on the Microsoft Security Response Center list of top 100 security specialists is well deserved and not at all unexpected’ said Brian Pearce, CFO and COO of Beyond Security.