Nigerian-phishing scammers target industries

According to a report by Kaspersky Lab’s its researchers noticed a significant spike in the number of malware infection attempts targeting industrial customers. They identified over 500 attacked companies in 50 countries, mainly industrial enterprises and large transportation and logistics corporations.

The Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team at Kaspersky Lab found that most domains were registered to residents of Nigeria and expects cyber attackers from Nigeria behind the recent surge in phishing and payment-interception attacks on industrial companies are also stealing victims’ project and operational plans, as well as diagrams of electrical and information networks. This findings have raised alarming concerns in the security community as normally such information is not required for the attackers’ primary money-making scheme, hence the new findings suspects the future intentions of these cybercriminals.

In a statement the company said, ‘while analysing the command-and-control servers used in the most recent, 2017, attacks, the researchers noted that screenshots of operations and project plans, as well as technical drawings and network diagrams were among the data stolen. Further, these images had not been taken from the computers of project managers or procurement managers, the attackers’ usual targets, but from those belonging to operators, engineers, designers and architects.’

“There is no need for the attackers to collect this kind of data in order to perpetrate their phishing scams. So what do they do with this information? Is the collection accidental, or intentional – perhaps commissioned by a third party? So far, we have not seen any of the information stolen by Nigerian cybercriminals on the black market. However, it is clear that, for the companies being attacked, in addition to the direct financial loss, a Nigerian phishing attack poses other, possibly more serious, threats,” said Maria Garnaeva, Senior Security Researchers, Critical Infrastructure Threat Analysis, Kaspersky Lab.The next step could be for attackers to gain access to the computers that form part of an industrial control system, where any interception or adjustment of settings could have a devastating impact.

When the researchers extracted the command and control (C&C) addresses from the malicious files, it turned out that in some cases the same servers were used for malware from different families. This suggests there is either just one cybercriminal group behind all the attacks, making use of different malware, or a number of groups cooperating and sharing resources.

To address this issue, the security vendor advises companies to implement the following basic security best practice:

  • Educate employees in essential email security: not clicking on suspicious links and attachments and carefully checking the origin of an email – and keep them informed of the latest tools and tricks used by cybercriminals.
  • Always double-check requests to change bank account details, payment methods etc. during transactions.
  • Install a security solution on all workstations and servers where possible – and implement all updates without delay.
  • In the event of a system being compromised, change the passwords for all accounts used on that system.
  • If your organization has an industrial control system, install specialist security that will monitor and analyze all network